Shamanic Healing
Shamanic illumination (approx 1 Hour)

Do you feel as though you have an emotional or spiritual issue or blockage, or that you keep going around in circles and can’t just get on with your life? Perhaps you had a traumatic experience in your childhood or even in your adult life. Maybe you just feel fed up, anxious or like nothing good ever happens to you. You might feel like you are a victim of the circumstances of life and that your future is bleak.
The session begins by opening sacred space and calling in the 4 directions, the cosmos, and the Earth. I will then open up my energy field from the 8th chakra, or the “Wiracocha” (The Wiracocha is our connection with the Great Spirit, the place where “God” or Divine source dwells within us) and then expand my energy field over you. This is to create the safest healing space possible. You are then invited to choose a kuya (a stone) from my “mesa”. The kuya chosen will be the one which seems the most relevant to you in that moment. You will then focus again on the issue you have come into the session with, and blow the energy of that issue into the kuya 3 times.
I will dowse with a pendulum in order to understand which chakras are affected by the issue. The work will be carried out on the lowest chakra affected. You can then lay down and relax as the illumination session begins.
The illumination process consists of one or more rounds of chakra cleansing with the kuya placed upon the relevant chakra, followed by the illumination. Illumination is the process of filling the chakra with light from the place of infinity, of divine source, so that all the affinities which caused the initial problem may no longer return. During the session various acupressure points will be gently pressed on the upper neck to allow you to go deeper into the process and to help support the release of any energies from your luminous energy field and into the kuya.
To end the session, the chakra is gently spun clockwise to allow it back into its natural rhythm. Using the pendulum dowsing technique, and if relevant, I can also discover whether there are any relevant nutritional supplements or bach flower remedies that would be helpful to you moving forward.

Shamanic illumination with extractions and/or cord cuttings (approx 1-2 hours)
An illumination with extractions and/or cord cuttings will only be performed following completion of a regular illumination and may include any or all of the below.
Fluid extraction: Removal of an intrusive energy, usually connected to a specific chakra but can move around the body freely.
Crystalline extraction: Removal of dense energies in the body which usually appear as metaphorical objects like knives, swords, wire, spikes, etc. They can cause problems with physical healing or emotional blockages due to the disruption to the wider luminous energy field and bodily flow of Qi.
Cord cutting: Removal of an attachment to a person or place which is preventing you from moving forward with your life.
Soul Retrieval (approx 1.5-2.5 hours)

Sometimes a part of our soul becomes lost to us due to stress or trauma. This can feel as if something has always been missing in life, feelings of helplessness, disconnection from yourself or others you feel you should be more connected to, or a “dark night of the soul”.
A soul retrieval takes place within the context of an illumination (see above). I will journey for you to the 4 chambers of the soul – The Chamber of Wounds, The Chamber of Contracts, The Chamber of Treasure and The Chamber of Grace.
The journeying will discover where the original wound or soul loss took place, the reasons behind it, and how the soul part can return. Sometimes it will return instantly and other times certain conditions will need to be met in your life to allow the soul part back in.
Following the journeying, we will go through an exercise known as sacred drama. This is a way of bringing the information back from the journey; the realm of dreams and metaphor, into something more concrete in the “3D realm”. This will help allow it to manifest into your physical reality.
Please note that sometimes not everyone is “ready” for a soul retrieval, and dense energies sometimes need to be cleared away before a soul retrieval can begin. I will not know if this is the case until the process begins. Therefore, “refused” soul retrievals will revert to a standard illumination, and a partial refund will be provided to reflect this.